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Command Reference

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Basic Commands

To help you get started, there are some basic commands you can use.

fdk --help

To see the available theme commands, enter:

fdk theme

To see the available extension commands, enter:

fdk extension

See the Command overview for a listing of all available commands, or the Command reference for syntax details and usage examples of the commands.

Commands Overview

All FDK CLI commands start with fdk. The general syntax for the commands is as follows:

fdk [module] [method] [options]

This command can be broken down as follows:



Environment Commands

lsList environments
getShows active environment
setSet active environment to the value passed on with -n parameter

Authentication Commands

loginLogin user
userShows user details of logged in user
logoutLogout user

Theme Commands

newCreate new theme
initInitialize an existing theme
contextAdd context of a theme
context-listList all available contexts
active-contextshow currently active context
syncSync theme to application
pullPull latest theme code
pull-configPull latest theme config
publishPublish theme to library
unpublishUnpublish theme
openpreview theme

Extension Commands

initInitialize extension
launch-urlGet/set lanuch url

Partner Commands

connectAdd partner access token

Commands Reference

Environment Commands

Before you start using FDK CLI you will have to set an environment

--url, -uEnvironment api url
--helpShow help
fdk env set -u
fdk env set -u [env-api-url]

This command show the active environment set by the user.

fdk env get

Authentication Commands

After setting the environment the user has to login to the cli. They can use their email ID or phone number to login. This command allows user to login with email or password

fdk login
--email, -eEmail
--mobile, -mMobile
--helpShow help
fdk login -e [your-email]
fdk login -m [your-mobile]

This command show user details of the currently logged in user.

fdk user

This command will logout the user.

fdk logout

Theme Commands

A theme is a VueJS project that developers can scaffold using this cli tool. Themes change the look and feel of websites built using Fynd Platform. Always create a new directory while creating or initializing a theme. This command is used to create a new theme for your application

fdk theme new [options]
--token, -tTheme token
--name, -nTheme name
--helpShow help

You can find the theme token under the themes panel of Fynd Platform. Reference

fdk theme new -t [theme-token] -n [your-theme-name] 

This command is used to initialize an exisiting theme on your local system.

fdk theme init [options]
--token, -tTheme token
--helpShow help

You can find the theme token under the themes panel of Fynd Platform. Reference

fdk theme init -t [your-theme-token]

Context is a JSON object which holds the configurations related the the application and theme. When you initialize or create a new theme a context is created with the name provided in the commands and assigned as the active context. You can add multiple contexts if you want to use the same theme on multiple applications or envoirnments.

This command is used to add a new context.

fdk theme context [options]
--token, -tTheme token
--name, -nContext name
--helpShow help

You can find the theme token under the theme panel of Fynd Platform. Reference

fdk theme context -t [your-theme-token] -n [context-name] 

This command is used to get a list of available context. You can also set active context by selecting one of the options in the list

fdk theme context-list

This command is used to get currently active context.

fdk theme active-context

This command is used to run a theme on your local system.

fdk theme serve [options]
--portPass custom port number to serve theme. Default: 5001
--ssrEnable/disable Server-side rendering
--helpShow help

By default Server-side rendering is enable. To disable it use --ssr false with the serve command

fdk theme serve

This command is used to sync your theme to the application.

fdk theme sync

Always verify if you have set the correct context before syncing your theme. Refer context commands.

This command is used to pull latest theme code.

fdk theme pull

This command is used to pull latest theme config.

fdk theme pull-config

This command is used to publish your theme.

fdk theme publish

This command is used to unpublish your theme.

fdk theme unpublish

This command is used to preview the theme on browser.

fdk theme open

Extension Commands

Extensions are pluggable snippets of code that can be installed in your applications so improve the feature set of your application. To know more visit - Fynd Partners This command is used to create a extension's initial code with required dependency. It will also register extension for you on your partner account.

fdk extension init [options]
--target-dirTarget Directory
--helpShow help
fdk extension init --target-dir [your-directory] --host [your_host]

This command is used to get or set the launch url of your extension

fdk extension launch-url get/set [options]
--urlURL to be set
--api_keyExtension ID
--helpShow help
fdk extension launch-url set --url [url] --api_key [extension ID] --host [your_host]
fdk extension launch-url get --api_key [extension id] --host [your_host]

Partner Commands

This command is used to add your partner access token to update extension details on partners panel.

fdk partner connect [options]
--helpShow help
fdk partner connect --host [your_host]